click to original which includes the 'before lights out' shot as well. key spots of the city are noted on the image itself and my position is on the map.
this was my first-ever attempt at star trails (meaning i intend to try more). the camera is positioned with a priority on the sky rather than the city itself.
it's not readily evident from these two pictures, but people did switch off their lights at home -- it was mostly the street lighting that was still overly bright. i heard that some cities turned off street lights as well.
i had hoped for a dark sky, but obviously in vain -- there were still too few stars visible.
this image is comprised of 37 30-second exposures for a duration of about that many minutes (the camera took time to save each image, don't forget). i realize i need to do 15-second exposures to minimize the space between the star positions, especially in such a bright settings, and obviously i need to stay out for at least a couple of hours.
i think this image isn't very successful, but i wanted to post my version of 'earth hour' and i want to be able to compare this with subsequent star trail images i'll create in the future. so be warned: i will try again soon!