coffee at nafplion with a view of bourtzi castle

coffee at nafplion with a view of bourtzi castle
you can see more images if you click the pic
i spent the better part of the weekend at naplion. saturday evening included coffee at a seaside cafe, with a view of bourtzi castle. i wanted to shoot the view with the changing light. needless to day, mr.g has a great deal of patience with me.

nafplion is a place i know well -- my thesis at the school of architecture was in the department of urban planning and our subject was the old part of the town. that was in 1986. i visited again only once in the early 90s.

'in the village where i grew up
nothing seems the same
still you never see the change from day to day
and no one notices the customs slip away'

-al stewart, on the border

i've placed the image on the map.