the detail's in the ouzo

yesterday was brilliantly sunny, perfect for a seaside lunch. we drove along till we found a place that looked nice and ordered octopus, calamare, mussels, crab, mushrooms, fava and a beautiful salad, all washed down with ouzo.

the dishes came at a leisurely pace and i didn't want to bother with the camera -- but afterwards, mellowed, by the ouzo, i lazily started taking haphazard shots of the understated but elegant objects around the table.

the most impressive detail was the handle in the backs of the chairs -- very nifty for pulling back a chair to help seat someone:
get a handle on it
like it? click it!

the ashtray remained unused:

IMG_0421 flat

ice bucket (for the ouzo)

ice bucket

don't forget to wash your hands!

don't forget to wash your hands

and our ouzo:


i've added out position to the map on the original flickr page.