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i searched the whole thing to see if i could find a better bit to quote here, but no, the friendly atheist nailed it:
'when you first watch star trek it’s this campy sci-fi show that occasionally takes some not-so-subtle potshots at religion. at a very young age it made me question the nature of god even to the point of questioning his (her or its) very existence. and it showed me that those questions were okay to pose, that there were other people out there like me, asking the same questions. but then roddenberry’s campy little show goes so much farther. it explores what it means to be human. it is a message of hope for the future of our species and an expression of pride in all of humanity. through it, i learned that although people aren’t perfect, it is that striving to be better (the voyage) that makes us special. the show helped me realize that i control my own future—me, a speck in the universe. i began to understand that each and every person posseses potential, that within all of us there is the seed of greatness waiting to be nurtured, and that someday we may each be able to tap into that potential greatness, that…humanity. (i hope you read that last line the way shatner would have.)'
- nick farrantello
take time to read the rest.
it's not ok to dismiss star trek as a cheesy space opera and to liken it to star wars and today's computer generated space battles. if you want stories you can really sink your teeth into, watch the original series and the next generation.