VOTD: Jackson's Last Dance

It is late, but I am just home from work and have to return there in just 7 hours.

The video for the day is Michael Jackson's rehearsal for what was to be his upcoming world tour.
I do not have cable not even a traditional TV and I do not have a radio, so I know I have not be as inundated as most folks with coverage. It is still fresh and being that his music was instrumental in my affinity toward music, there is a persistent sting in the heart for this loss.

I was still a fan and even admired some of his more recent work like "2000 Watts" and "Earth Song".
Here is one of his final performances.

Btw, I am delighted that so many people have been RSVPing for this coming evening's First Fridays event at Medusa Lounge :) I saw Darren Revell earlier this evening at Kung Pao Kitty, on my way home from work and he is just as excited. David J. was djing there and sadly he can not attend, but I will get David to do a Bela Lugosi Michael Jackson song one day!

Signing off and getting back to working on my Thriller mix for the midnight Zombie Dance routine. If you can attend and or join in the dance or bring a camera, still or video, drop me a line :)

Best Wishes and enjoy the video!

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