I encourage you all to watch
this video by Lady Gaga. I came across it a couple of weeks ago when it appeared as one of those thumbnail "other videos" to sample after watching something on Youtube. For several days afterwards I was playing it over and over, like a twelve-year-old with a new 45.

I'd been hearing about this Lady Gaga person but I hadn't sampled any of her work. Turns out I'm a big fan. Her vibe resonates with a lot of old dance music I love, with an excellent dash of Marilyn Manson creepiness to keep things fresh. Also you gotta respect someone who can make a video with people in costumes dancing in a room and still make that new and interesting.

Sometimes the link will get you to the video without the requisite commercial, but that happy circumstance failed me for the first time today. Plug through it, it's worth your time.