Thirty-one years ago my Whirlygirl was born. It would be 27 years before she whirled into my life but she was worth the wait. Not a day goes by where she doesn't make me laugh with funny stories and her unique perspective on life. We are currently in the mountains of Vermont hunkered down with a blazing wood-burning stove and plans for a fun weekend. Happy Birthday Whirlygirl, you rock!
Exactly 32 years ago today the “Blizzard of ‘78” walloped the East coast giving all children an unexpected week off from school. Some areas of Rhode Island received up to 4 feet of snow. It was a glorious time to be a kid. I vividly recall stepping outside and sinking up to my chest in white wonderment. I lived at the dead end of a street and endless snowplowing produced an impressive, sled-able mountain of snow. This mountain of snow also enabled me to fashion an elaborate snow fort with a tunnel system that rivaled the New York Subway.

Sure 100 people died, there were many injuries, and countless people lost electricity, but as a 9-year old kid I was blissfully unaware of any of these sad facts. Oddly enough I wasn’t able to find a single picture of this once-in-a-lifetime event in any of our family albums. You would think that my parents would have shot a few rolls of film to document this rare phenomenon but I suppose they were too busy trying to figure out how to keep us alive. Fortunately there’s a terrific documentary that can be found on YouTube that captures this natural disaster.