You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy..
Who knew Horrorthon was replete with so many antisocial personalities! I had a feeling that this topic would uncover some nefarious behavior; I just had no idea that there would be so much of it. From lipsticks to arrestable offenses including grand larceny, you guys are the best! I know for a fact that some of you held back, *cough* *cough* Whirlygirl, Octo, and JSP. It was nearly impossible for me to choose a winner, it was all gold. Nearly impossible, but not impossible.

Whirlygirl learned the hard way to keep your trap shut,
Got a lunchbox yarn
Jerk boy steals my friend’s box
I tell, and he duels
Recess comes and goes
I’m safe…nope…fist in stomach
Result of ratting

Catfreeek met her husband over risky vandalism and rationalizes her thieving ways,
True love hooligans
Tony & I met as teens
stole door off cop car
Just like Robin Hood
Steal from rich, give to the poor
but I was the poor

JSP kills children,
Jimmy Fund remorse
Cancer research money used
To buy cigarettes

Julie is a good girl and in the guise of a haiku she manages to insult us all with this gem,
I wish I could be
Self centered, greedy, and bad.
It would be more fun.

DCD got greedy,
Curse of the teenage shoplifter. Did I really
need eighteen lipsticks?

50P makes a rare appearance with this hilarious memory about underage gambling,
high school laughlin trip
played *one nickel* in a slot
the hammer came down
"what are you doing
gambling in *my* casino?!"
sez officer 'stache
stunning power trip
all that insane posturing
for one damned nickel

Handsomestan was apparently a very bad boy and I love his “Karmic payback”
Hundreds of CDs
Swiped from Blockbuster Music
Knew where cameras were
Worked the register
Scanned nothing. Friends left with bags.
Scam For Ages II
The karmic payback
Two huge CD books stolen
Car window smashed

My favorite from Octo,
My heroes: you guys!
All these moral corners cut
What a bunch of sneaks
When we're all in Heck
You know the Horrorthon lounge
Will have the best stuff

By far the funniest revelation to come from this haiku topic is that apparently the majority of us encountered “That Ben Franklin Guy”!
Ben Franklin's was good
For a five finger discount
Great for Star Wars cards
The only challenge
Was to avoid the old man
A real mean bastard
That Ben Franklin dude
he hated us kids so much
he caught me stealing
That Ben Franklin's guy
Busted my thieving ass too
M.U.S.C.L.E. Man figures
That Ben Franklin's guy
He missed my first ever theft
Plain pink eraser
that ben franklin's guy
caused my first panic attack
(shoplifting lipgloss)
So who cares about all of this, what you really want to know is who won, right? I went back and forth but finally decided to award Whirlygirl the prize for this set of memories (I love the veiled atheist comment),

I'd like to believe that it looked something like this
Mug shots, finger prints
Underwear flew in the air
Tagged a shoplifter
No joke…underwear
Why go down for underpants?
Should have stole' a Porsche
Word spread like butter
Was nicknamed the panty thief
It stuck for years…years
Mom forced me to church
“Save her knickers stealing soul”
She bawled to no one
Congrats, Whirlygirl, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next week!