I'm still hopeful about this, despite the cinemablend post about meh reviews that JPX put up earlier this week. I just watched the first one again, and agreed with the cinemablend guy's comments. (Which I'm pasting below because I'm too lazy to conjure anything of my own. Also I'm at work.)
"Most reviewers seem to think the film is wildly uneven and too light on action. They say that keeps it from being as much fun as the first one, though I wonder how long it’s been since they saw the first one. Much as I love the original Iron Man it’s also wildly uneven and, to be frank, kind of light on action too. The first act of the film is a blast but that final act never really takes off and zooms into the stratosphere the way it should have. To me the things most of these critics complain about are the very same things that didn’t work in the first one. And the first one, in spite of those things, was a lot of fun."
Watch the clip here.
There are a few more clips here.