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the sense of smell is primitive and it registers in the most ancient structures of the brain. a scent is almost never forgotten -- it can bring back memories and emotions that overwhelm you with intensity.
i don't know when i first smelled lilacs -- i must have been a toddler -- but every spring the first whiff stops me in my tracks, and i look around to see where it's coming from.
this year, i was looking forward to taking pictures of lilacs with my new lenses but, disappointingly, my immediate area seems to have almost none. i had to actively go looking for them and i was lucky to find a neighborhood with slightly older homes and an abundance of my favorite flower.
in greek, these lovely blossoms are called πασχαλιά (pr. pas-ha-liA) which means easter flower.
so, anyway, forgive me for overdoing it and posting so many, but at least they're all in one page -- and i had to get it out of my system.
these pictures are taken with a canon 40D and 350D and my 100mm f/2.8 macro and 50mm f/1.4 lenses.