obama is spock

on salon, jeff greenwald says obama is spock.

there are many similar comparisons on the internet, but two points in this article especially made an impression on me.

first, this expresses my thoughts:

'"i am a first-generation 'star trek' fan, and i've long argued that many of my deepest political convictions emerged from my experience of watching the program as a young man growing up in atlanta during the civil rights era," declares henry jenkins, co-director of the mit comparative media studies program and author of "convergence culture." "in many ways, my commitment to social justice was shaped in reality by martin luther king and in fantasy by 'star trek.'”'

and secondly, this was pretty funny:

'"about a year and a half ago, i was at a political event," nimoy recalled. "one of our current campaigners for the office of president of the united states saw me -- and as he approached, he gave me the vulcan hand signal." you can practically hear nimoy's eyebrow raise. "it was not john mccain."'

you must read it all.