SETI's regular laser pulse

has astrophysicist ragbir bhathal, who works with SETI, found a signal from an extraterrestrial signal?

at the australian:

'after you've spent more than 20 years hunting for an alien signal, you think you'd be celebrating if you noticed a mysterious pulse suddenly rising up on your computer readouts. a regular pulse, amid the random clatter of the cosmos, suggests that someone very smart at the other end is sending a message.

but when ragbir bhathal, an astrophysicist at the university of western sydney, who teaches the only university-based course on SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) in australia, detected the suspicious signal on a clear night last december, he knew better than to crack open the special bottle of champagne he has tucked away for the history-making occasion.

instead, he's spent the past few months meticulously investigating whether the unrecognised signature was caused by a glitch in his instrumentation, a rogue astrophysical phenomenon, or some unknown random noise.'

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