Jonneine Zapata is amazing. See her for FREE @ Silverlake Lounge!

I rarely check myspace messages these days due to not only the virus-like spawn of spam mail but also my increased workload. For some odd, but fortuitous reason, while checking myspace mail, I happened to click on a message on the 11th of October from Jonneine Zapata, which announced she was performing on the 12th for FREE at Silverlake Lounge. I went to her page and before playing tunes from her jukebox, I checked the featured youtube video for "Love Is A Burden".

It reminded me of a variety of artists I enjoy from The Cult to Johnette Napolitano to Patti Smith, something dark but Americana rock to something familiar from my early youth.

Upon further "investigation" of her music, I realized I had to have this music and while some folks may see the surface comparisons to PJ Harvey, it is more of a soulful side upon which she draws her magic. Jim Morrison, Jennifer Charles (Elysian Fields), Carole King, Nick Cave and even Tina Turner can be artists of whom one may find similar spirit. Her album is titled "Cast the Demons Out" and is available NOW!.

I will definitely add her music to my mellow home mix of The Dirty Three, Spain, Jeff Buckley, Elysian Fields, Brendan Perry, Red House Painters, Nick Cave (The Boatman's Call era), David Sylvian, Scott Reeder, The BellRays, Morphine, Nine Horses, Robbie Robertson, Lou Reed, etc.

Since there are distractions abound right now. It is important that you know Jonneine is performing this evening at Silverlake Lounge for FREE!!! She has had a Monday residency all month, having recently returned from a tour with Mark Lanegan of Screaming Trees. I am foregoing seeing La Roux perform at the El Rey theatre this evening, a show I have wanted to see since last year, to see Jonneine, and am quite certain I will be pleased!

Jonneine is slated to hit the stage tonight at 11pm!

I am hoping she will want to work on the album David J and I are recording and may even ask her to work on the forthcoming Bauhaus tribute. Do not miss this show and please check her music!!!!! Her album has been on repeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Free mp3 download of her performance from the video above here from Spaceland Recordings

Jonneine Zapata on myspace

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