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combineZM is open-source software that aids in stacking images. i've used it to extend the depth of field while using a fully-open aperture.
for this image, i took 14 RAW files with my canon 100mm macro lens mounted on the 40D on a tripod, using live view. i shifted the point of focus for each image, starting from the front tip of the nearest petal to the yellow stamen. i converted the RAWs to TIFF and then loaded combineZM using the file > new command. the software did a bit of analyzing... and when it finished, i went to macro > do stack. the software combined the images into one -- i then simply saved my final image to TIFF format.
i can't say i'm overly happy with the result as, when viewing very close, i can see the zebra-like zones of focus and bokeh between the shots -- i might try again using a slightly narrower aperture to reduce this effect, with fewer images, of course.
i must say that i prefer the results of the first such experiment i did in january, 2009:
btw, can anyone help me with the name of this flower? the guy at the farmer's market called it sepolia but i can't find any search results by that name.