A madman terrorizes three former childhood friends for unknown reasons. The three women are given separate storylines that eventually intersect as the madman traps them within his industrial, SAW-like lair. What is the connection between this madman, these girls, and a seemingly innocent incident from their school days?

I don’t ever recall a discussion on Horrorthon about the “madman’s lair”. With all the ads for the latest SAW installment I started to think about the cost involved in constructing a vast torture chamber. Recent films like Martyrs, SAW, and Amusement all involve complicated, no doubt extremely pricy, implements of pain. Setting aside the real estate necessary for a secret underground lair, I can’t help but mentally calculate the expense of even the smallest things adorning these vast caves of torment including computers, video cameras, etc. The power bill alone would be astronomical. Let’s say for the sake of argument that money is no object, it would still take a large team of mechanical geniuses and a long period of time to construct the extremely complicated torture devices found in these films. The following pictures are from the various SAW films because I couldn’t find suitable examples from Amusement,

What would this room alone cost and how many would it take to put it together?

Just the fish tank alone would cost $150

How much time did it take to design this? How much would a prototype cost?

How much would it cost to rent this place out?

Again, this would take a lot of time and money to develop

Time and money!
For a low budget film Amusement has a few things going for it including stellar production values and a creepy setting – when is a clown theme not creepy? Still the story isn’t all that interesting and the climax could be from any of the (currently) six SAW movies. The madman’s lair would probably cost upwards of 1.5 million dollars.