Dawn of the Dead

(2004) ***1/2

As the world is overrun by a plague of fast-moving, ravenous zombies, a small group of disparate survivors seek shelter in a mall. Surrounded by a moat of zombies, they must make decisions as a group, and survival depends on making the right calls.

Umm, AWKWARD! I just don’t remember enough details about why I felt the way I did in response to watching this movie a month ago. Clearly I need to write up my reviews as quickly as possible and not give in to the wave of exhaustion and procrastination that sweeps over the blog in November. I remember loving the first half, feeling like the movie lost something in the second half, and my interest perking up as the credits rolled (that WAS awesome, wasn’t it?). I know all the boys gave DotD (2004) five stars, but even though I feel the pressure of their vastly superior zombie-related opinions, I can’t say I shared their experience (maybe because my expectations were too high?). As always in such situations, I remain open to the possibility that future viewings will convert me, and luckily I own the DVD (unrated director’s version, natch).