I know this is post Horrorthon but after AC's urging Tony & I decided to press forward and watch Monsturd. What we found was a delightfully humorous and nearly nauseatingly disgusting film.
An escaped convict stumbles into some toxic goo mixed with doodie in the sewers and it turns him into a giant murderous shit man. The local authorites with the help of the feds set a trap baited with what else, corn & peanuts to trap the turd man. Their theory is if they can lure the turd out then force a horde of flies to attack it, the flies will eat the poop and destroy the monsturd.
But this evil scientist guy, Dr. Stern who is responsible for creating the thing wants it to live so he can study it. So he makes a deal with the turd to keep him safe until the annual chili cook-off where people will be pooping in force and the already giant fecal monster can gain strength from the townspeoples crap and amass more size. Some seriously crazy shit!
Just check out the theme song lyrics if you want to know just how silly this film is. So bad it's good.