Horrorthon 2009 Wrap Up! (will happen later)

Hey folks! JPX tells me his work computer has a terrible virus, which I assume means it's been lurching around his office biting people. As such he hasn't been all the blog presence he can be, and asked me to jump in with some sort of wrap up.

But things are still in motion! While the Horrorthon viewing window is closed for another eleven months, there are still reviews to write and categories to discuss. Write 'em if you got 'em! I know this is when writing reviews can be its most tedious, but I also know a lot of people didn't chronicle all they saw last year, and I'm sure I would have liked to have read those reviews.

As the signal that you're finished, slap down a Best Ofs list, because it's informative and fun. Here are the categories:

1. Favorite
2. Hidden gem award
3. Most disturbing
4. Best scream queen or female lead you would most like to "take out to dinner"
5. Worst
6. So Bad It's Good award
7. Goriest
8. Most memorable death
9. Best looking monster
10. Scariest

Of course #4 can be gender-flipped to Scream Stud for the ladies, or if you're really hard core you can pick one of each.

Adding new categories for your list is encouraged! Be as creative as you like. There's a movie I haven't reviewed yet that wins my "Most gratuitous shoehorning into plot of a giant octopus" award, so you know that'll be special.

Meanwhile, some alternate categories for rating our Horrorthon activities have been discussed (see the post here). I think this is a great idea, and we need more discussion. Which can happen right here in this very post.

I can't really say anything about proposed deadlines since I finished my reviews for Horrorthon 2008 two days before Horrorthon 2009 started. But I intend to finish my stuff by the end of November if not earlier.

Anyway, great work people. Start chatting, keep writing. Oh, and dig our crazy Jacks from this year (above).