
Don’t get me freakin’ started on vampires. If there’s one horror theme that’s been overhyped, overplayed, outdated and thoroughly exhausted over the years it’s the vampire film. I don’t find them appealing, erotic, scary or even slightly interesting. As far as I’m concerned, vampires can go suck it – and I’m not talking about blood if you know what I mean (and I think you do). If you’re thinking about pointing out that True Blood is breathing new life into the genre then please refer your observation to my butt cheeks because I’m not interested. (I gave it 4 episodes but aborted due to the horrendously irritating accents.)
Let the Right One In is an outstanding exception. It’s really not fair to categorize it as a vampire movie or even a horror movie. The vampire aspect merely serves as the backdrop to a more important story. It’s an unapologetically earnest tale about a twelve year old Swedish boy (with an uncanny resemblance to Prince Herbert) learning to take care of himself, defend himself and ultimately become a man. It’s also a love story. And it’s Swedish to boot! Don’t let the words “earnest” or “love” deter you because there are genuine chills to be had as well.
I’ll spare you a plot summary. The other clowns discussed the effectiveness that the landscape and bitter cold brings to the story. I could not agree more. Recurring themes of loneliness, abandonment and isolation permeate the film and I can’t think of better visual accompaniment for those bummers than indifferent blankets of stark white snow. I have no problem awarding LTROI five gretchens. The acting is superb, the story is touching and I feel it deserves to be ranked up there with the greats.
Unnecessary remake alert: Cloverfield director Matt Reeves is helming the American version and frankly I’m a bit worried. According to producer Simon Oakes it promises to be “very accessible to a wider audience”. (I.e. it will be a big stupid movie with big stupid actors and all thought provoking ideas and subtexts will be removed so that people who not think so good no have to think so much. Prove me wrong Reeves!)