At the start of the movie, bad aliens create astro-zombies one at a time, and send them to conquer earth, wielding machetes. At the end of the movie, good aliens intervene, eliminating the astro-zombies as well as their creators. In between, earthlings do silly things like try to solve the astro-zombie problem, make money off the astro-zombie problem, file news reports on the astro-zombie problem, and not run away from the astro-zombies.
Yeah, baby! I had such low hopes for this movie. With the one-star Astro-Zombies (1968) as its wretched predecessor, how good could the sequel really be? As is my habit when hoping for a true bomb, I watched MotA-Z in the grip of nail-biting, white knuckled terror, fearful that an element of quality or competence might creep in; the hint of a good special effect, perhaps; the ghost of a reasonable plot point; a whisper of competent acting. These fears were unrealized and I am proud to report that MotA-Z is my zero-star discovery for Horrorthon 2009.