Three friends & coworkers, Beem, Dan, and Big, all encounter fate on the same day. After crashing his car near her house, Dan meets an old woman who can predict the future. While in a traffic jam, Big encounters a strange little boy who is selling flower garlands to car passengers.

The boy offers to trade him a small dog figurine for one of the toy cars Dan has on display in his car. Dan refuses the offer but later finds the swap has been made anyway. Beem meets a girl named Oam who he feels an immediate connection to, like they've known each other for a long time. Eventually all these things connect together but getting there is a slow process.

The process of bringing the stories together is so long and confusing that by the time they reveal that one of the trio is destined to die, I just didn't care. The film isn't creepy or insightful but I have to say I've seen much worse so I didn't totally bag it.

The biggest problem, the old lady should have been way more creepy. Isn't that a rule in horror, if you have an old lady with psychic powers she's gotta be creepy. They missed a golden opportunity to turn this into an actual horror movie. I really don't know what else to say about this slightly less than mediocre J-horror. The concept was good it just didn't carry over all that well.