Nextly, I'm still playing with the layout but the Haiku Hump Day Archive page is now fully operational. You're welcome.
Here's some fluff to flesh out this post.
You wake up in the middle of the night after hearing a disturbing sound coming from the basement. At first you dismiss it as your imagination but then it gets louder. As you listen more intently you determine that it is unmistakably the sound of an elderly woman laughing. You grab the baseball bat next to your bed, take a deep breath and slowly head down the stairs to investigate.
“Who’s there!?” you shout in your bravest voice as you reach the bottom step. You turn to your left and see none other than Millvina Dean, the recently deceased last survivor of the Titanic.

"But.. you're dead!" you exclaim. "You must be a... g-g-g-ghost!" Millvina finds this quite amusing for some reason and she cackles maniacally for about 20 seconds, though it feels like an eternity. The laughter is then replaced by awkward silence. Finally you muster up the strength to ask her why she has returned from the grave.
"I have the power to resurrect anyone who has ever lived and I want to throw a dinner/cocktail party", she explains. "Who would you like to invite, Cupcake?"
So that's the topic you waited an extra week for. It’s a question that you have probably been asked before but I suspect never in haiku form. Think about it. Who would you love to meet? Who fascinates you? Who could provide you with a deep understanding with their first hand account of to the past? Who would you like to see in the same room together? Who would be fun to get drunk and pass out in the hallway with? What would they bring?