Since JPX is mysteriously absent, I'm cranking out some cheap blog product.
As Jordan mentioned in the last TBTBT post: Michael Whelan, dudes! Master of the sci-fi painting and big champion of Big Things Back There. When I google him I see a lot of stuff I've never seen before (like the image above, chosen for its TBTBTness). So I guess he's kept himself busy.

One of my personal experiences with his work are the covers for the Edgar Rice Burroughs "John Carter of Mars" series. This is book #4,
Thuvia, Maid of Mars. This was a wrap-around cover, featuring a nice Martian city as the back cover Big Thing.

As you can see, he's also good at big things right up in your face. This is one of his I discovered on line a few years ago; it subverts the whole Big Thing Back There thing, but I dig it.