And the Champion of the Universe is....

AAARGGHH!!! I apologize for the delay. I composed a thoughtful wrap up but didn’t save it, lost it, and now I’m pissed. Firstly thank you all for participating in last week’s competition. Board games are very near and dear to my heart. I wish I could award everyone with the victory but alas, just like a game of Risk, there can only be one supreme leader of the world and everyone else must be vanquished.

I'll list the honorable mentions in the comments section. It came down to Octopunk vs. Handsome Stan.

From Octo:

Monopoly's goal
Play until all players bored
Throw money in air

Played chess with Yoda
"You checkmate, or checkmate not
There is no trymate"

From Stan:

Naval strategy:
Find the invisible ships
Just bomb at random

Mah Jong and Cribbage
Games at the front of death's door
What the fuck. Really.

I had to go with Stan because of an inside joke that's been running well over 20 years now. There's absolutely no way to dissect or convey the humor stacked in this haiku but trust me, it's hysterical:

Wrestling figure chess
Earthquake: fattest Queen ever
Sarge don't pay taxes

Congratulations Stan! Sorry for the short notice. Now think of a topic!