a picture i didn't take iii

i often teach evening classes and leave the office after 10pm, and even when i'm not teaching, i rarely leave before sundown.

tuesday, i was fortunate in that i was able to leave fairly early, and more so, because i hadn't driven to work, so i grabbed a taxi to head back home. since i wasn't steering, i had the luxury of sitting back and watching athens whiz by.

the sky was a very deep blue, scattered with small, puffy clouds. the clouds were half-and-half -- very bright white on one side, and dark, stormy gray on the other. the slowly setting sun added a glistening gold to the palette.

kifissias avenue, the main artery leading from the center of the city to its northern suburbs, is flanked by personality-less buildings with gridded, mirrored-glass curtain walls that normally say, don't mind me -- i'm not really here. but on tuesday, the light was just right and they reflected the stunning sky, decorating it with their temporarily blazing, rectangular, metal meshes.

i don't think i've ever seen kifissias look so beautiful.

no pictures.

inspired by unphotographable, thanks to teacher dude.