Early Inception Reviews Call It The Year's Best Movie

From cinemablend,

“I expected a lot, but still walked out hypnotized. Here's a movie that's 3 steps ahead of you, on 4 different levels, at 5 blinding speeds. Best of 2010 thus far.” - Steven Snyder, Techland

“A wildly entertaining and dazzling mind-trip not to be missed. Kubrick would have been proud.” - Pete Hammond, Box Office Magazine

“Even when it’s over, the movie stays with you, begging for conversation, discussion, debate and, eventually, another viewing. I’m sure it’ll even pop up in your dreams.” - Mike Sampson, JoBlo.com

“Inception is a breathtaking achievement and a movie-going experience well worth your time and investment. In a year full of 3D remakes, reboots, sequels, and empty star vehicles, one hopes audiences will reward such terrific but challenging original entertainment with their wallets.” - Jim Vejvoda, IGN

“One of the ten best pictures of the year, maybe even of the last ten.” - Sasha Stone, Awards Daily

“What is most infuriating about "Inception" is how close it gets to being something really great. Instead, we're left with "Solaris" (but never as existential or as meditative) meets "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (but never as fun or thrilling).” - Silas Lesnick, ComingSoon.net

“Oscar nominations in technical categories are a certainty, but Inception is also a strong contender for multiple nominations, including Best Picture.” - Anne Thompson, TOH

“If movies are shared dreams, then Christopher Nolan is surely one of Hollywood's most inventive dreamers, given the evidence of his commandingly clever Inception.” - Justin Chang, Variety

“A devilishly complicated, fiendishly enjoyable sci-fi voyage across a dreamscape that is thoroughly compelling.” - Kirk Honeycutt, Hollywood Reporter