From wwtdd, Lindsay Lohan is still the same spoiled lying retard she’s always been, and to make it perfectly clear that nothing has changed and she doesn’t give a fuck, she’s gonna make sure she looks just as good coming out of jail as she did going in. Popeater says…
…several top stylists as well as hair and makeup people have been put on call from midnight on Thursday through the entire weekend.
Lindsay knows very well that the 30-second walk from the jail to her waiting car will be photographed and seen around the world. This is why she is determined to look her best.
Oh but what will she wear…
When Paris Hilton left prison, image experts choreographed her 30-second walk to her waiting SUV step by step, even down to when she cried out “mommy.”
Lindsay’s exit will be no different and it has already been decided she will leave wearing her own brand of leggings.
If you run a jail, and your inmates come out looking sexy, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to conclude that you’re a fucking asshole who isn’t doing their job. Lindsay was there because she broke 800 laws. She shouldn’t come out looking refreshed. She should come out limping and with a tiara carved into her head.