Mel Gibson's Porn Star Mistress: He Was Scary, Anti-Condoms

from huffingtonpost, The Polish porn star who claimed she slept with Mel Gibson eight times while Oksana Grigorieva was pregnant with his child is speaking out again. Violet Kowal tells In Touch that Mel's domestic violence admission comes as no surprise, since he was also aggressive and threatening during their tryst.

In Touch's press release follows:

In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Mel Gibson's former mistress, Violet Kowal, claims that Mel was terrifying and threatened her life. "His threats scared me so badly," Violet tells In Touch, "I left town and went into hiding for almost a month." Violet says she met Mel at the Hotel Bel-Air in 2007, when he was still married to his wife, Robyn. Two years later, in July 2009, after Mel was divorced but dating Oksana, Violet claims she got a call from the star. "I agreed to go visit him at his Malibu compound," she explains. The two had sex for the first time, though Violet was uneasy. "He didn't want to use protection, but I insisted," she says. "He seemed paranoid and anxious. He chain-smoked before and after we had sex. It was weird." Mel's attorney has said that Violet's story is an "absurd fabrication." Violet and Mel had "passionate" sex six more times, but she claims his dark side was bubbling under the surface. "He would get very aggressive and angry if I was not available," she explains, "even yelling and demanding to come to my home when I refused to see him."