50PageMcgee UPDATE: sorry to keep bumping these two posts all over the place. i'm moving them back to the top only because i took a big whack at trying to reply to Jordan's posts in as great a level of detail as possible without breaking my own brain. if you have no interest in this topic whatsoever, disregard. but if you're curious about the inner workings of music, i tried to present some nerdy stuff about it, and i've tried to do so in a way that's not too hard to digest. there's *a lot* here (and some of it is nestled amidst Jordan and HandsomeStan beating the crap out of each other over 2010), so i won't be offended if it gets skipped, or if people don't comment.
but if you are interested, please, read on.
PS - an additional word of caution, now that i've reread what i wrote: my idea of "digestible" might differ from yours to some degree.