HHD Results!!! Does Anyone Actually Remember The Finale???

Well, Season 2 of the HHD franchise crossed the finish line with somewhat diminished ratings, but still retaining its small but vocal fanbase. Which has never happened before.

Rather than belabor a resolution that is already 2 months overdue, the winner of the Cliffhanger Edition of HHD is…Maggie Simpson. No, wait, it was all a dream. No, wait, it’s Prime Number One Suspect 50PageMCGee:

fitty's cliffhanger
30 days have come to pass
bun in the oven?

I think, at the time, that I let that one just cruise right by, and didn’t really think about the larger implications. We’ve all been there at one time or another, and this was just a remarkable Share within the confines of an innocuous day of haikus. Looking back, I’m just assuming everything turned out for the best, but I’m nevertheless dying to know.

In any event, I must apologize for being completely off-world since October; the timing and demands of the feature I was on completely eliminated any blog-related desires I had.

Plus, for every one of my 5 stillborn horror reviews still in my scrap book, somebody beat me to posting a better review of the same film, and I just didn’t have the time to go back to the drawing board. Waaaah waaaah, I know. I’m gonna have some cheese to go with my whine.

So, Fitty, I leave it up to you, or maybe the collective: does HHD get a 3rd season? I’m still a big fan, however the weekly topics (for me) grew more challenging each time I had to conjure one up, and there certainly seemed to be a waning of overall enthusiasm (but maybe I’m just imagining that).

What sayeth ye all? Perhaps a re-conceptualization? Instead of a weekly topic, a weekly single picture of a random person, place or thing? Perhaps a bi-weekly HHD? Limerick Tuesdays? Maybe Recipe Hump Day?

Anyway, I’ve missed you all. And I still think JPX & JSP’s Love Boat action figure review is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.