Kevin Smith Says Bruce Willis Was a Nightmare to Work With

From worstpreviews, Around the time "Cop Out" was being released, Kevin Smith revealed that it was difficult working with Bruce Willis, who wouldn't take direction and was constantly proposing his own ideas on how to direct the film.

After the shoot wrapped, everyone gathered for a party. Everyone, except for Willis. During the party, Smith was quoted as saying: "I want to thank everyone who worked on the film, except for Bruce Willis, who is a f*cking d*ck."

Smith has now revealed that Willis "wouldn't even sit for a f*cking poster shoot." He went on to say that the experience "was f*ckin soul crushing. A lot of people are gonna be like, 'Oh, you're just trying to blame the movie on him.' No, but I had no f*cking help from this dude whatsoever."

Included [above] is an interview Smith did with Opie and Anthony where he talks about working with Willis and how simple scenes were ruined by the actor. He starts at the 2:30 mark.