Though the day got off to a slow start (even with the extra day to ponder the topic) we still finished with a pretty impressive collection of prose. In the end we learned a lot about our fears.

while AC's killer kitty terrorized her.

Some fears we were already aware of, like Stan's fear of the dreaded green pants.

Johnny warned us about the back streets of Oakland.
While Mr. AC warned of flesh eating albino rats.

But I had to give the win to Whirly Girl for sharing another tale from her perplexing youth. I have no idea what "buzzer pants" are but I tell you I laughed myself to tears when I read this:
My sister wore "buzzer pants"
because she often wet our bed
She didn't fear anything
but that buzzer filled me with dread
I would hear it go off
yet she slept through it with glee
Meanwhile I knew that in seconds
I would be touched by her pee
Congratulations Whirly Girl, next Tues..er Wednesday is in your hands.