Hump Day Challenge! It's Video Games!

Apologies for the late start!

When HHD was young and foolish, there were two topics I thought deserved revisitation: Star Wars and this one. Star Wars played its hand in the HHD's gritty reboot a few weeks back, and that day I vowed to my assembled legions* that I would bring back this topic first chance I got.

Handsome Stan garnered an impressive 135 responses that day, because as a group we have a healthy distaste for reality. I say: Give me less reality! I played a round of Angry Birds not five minutes ago, goddammit!

*(of Lego people)

Does it get better than this? No, not really

My rules are broad: haiku, limerick, free verse, sonnet, prose if you're feeling up to it -- just spin some phat woids and then get back to your joysticks and paddle controllers.

Or big honkin' guns

I'm keeping this intro short because it's already past lunch in the Ice Belt (formerly known as the East Coast). And I'll be accepting submissions until noon tomorrow, California time.

Here's our HHD offerings on the topic, for inspiration.

Zap zap! Pyeww!