What is this strange sign you ask? I was meeting with a patient (an obese African American man who is in his 50s) when all of a sudden he calmly inquired, “Is there a bathroom in this building?” After pointing him in the right direction he left my office to go take care of his sinful business. I happened to glance over at the chair he was sitting on and noticed with horror that there was a big pee stain! After he left housekeeping was contacted and this is the sign I was greeted with the next morning. I think that I’ll keep this sign; it’s unintentionally hilarious, isn’t it? It reminded me of that Seinfeld episode where “Poppie” pees on Jerry’s couch.
Poppie peed on my couch!
What is this strange sign you ask? I was meeting with a patient (an obese African American man who is in his 50s) when all of a sudden he calmly inquired, “Is there a bathroom in this building?” After pointing him in the right direction he left my office to go take care of his sinful business. I happened to glance over at the chair he was sitting on and noticed with horror that there was a big pee stain! After he left housekeeping was contacted and this is the sign I was greeted with the next morning. I think that I’ll keep this sign; it’s unintentionally hilarious, isn’t it? It reminded me of that Seinfeld episode where “Poppie” pees on Jerry’s couch.