I am so pleased with the entries for humpday poetry. Honorable mention goes to Fitty, for reminding us how intriguing and ultimately unsatisfying candy corn is.
Catfreek and 50P get props for the memorable phrases "kernels in semen" and "big fat fatty mcfatties", respectively.
I loved the succinct quality of Abby's haiku:
Chowder, syrup, meal,
Sentiment or biofuel,
We are children of.
Talked with Gobaers about his poem. I thought the ending was a reference of having to go through winter and a year of seasons before enjoying fresh corn again. But apparently it is a veiled poop reference. Nice one, dude.
Octo is creative genius and completely crushed with his corn man story.
But for the winner, I pick Johnny Sweatpants, for his haiku poem that sounds the gong of total truth and rightness:
I’ve loved popcorn
Since the day I was born
It's addictive like crack
And hotter than porn