So this week's pickings were slim but muscular, kind of like a hipster who secretly works out. I laughed out loud at 50p's and Catfreeek's respective limericks and nodded wisely at JSP's haiku trilogy; I have empathy and appreciation for Octopunk's struggle to tell his Williamsburg hipster tale; and like JPX, I really don't know what a hipster is, either; but I have to give the win to guest poet H-Town, for the amazing
Fixies, PBR
Only douches own a car
Can I get a ride?
To me, that nailed the hipster essence while simultaneously cracking me up every time I read it. So if H-Town is willing, she can guest-host next week's competition; if she is bashful or busy, let me know and I will name a runner-up to shoulder the responsibility next Wednesday.