Hump Day Challenge! Myths, Legends and Fables!

In honor of my unexpectedly winning poem last week, I open the floor to the Big Stories, the ones who earned their staying power back when the best entertainment center was a big fire to sit around at and maybe, if you were lucky, a small portable harp.

"Oh no! Promoothius!"

All verse forms are welcome and encouraged, and my notions of myth are broad. I've depicted Greek myths here because of their invaluable invention the small portable harp, but any culture's stories are fair game for poemification, including ours. Slapping some fable-y framework on some modern ideas is a good way to go, as in the old standard The Honda and the Camaro.

The crowd watched in wonder as the Tortoies's magical ass froze the Hare in mid stride...

And don't forget Fables! Those snotty little stories about animals who might possibly wear clothes and hang out in combos never found in nature.

And the turtle said, "Hey guys, I know where to get food! Let's eat the rat."

As an added bonus subtopic, I just saw the new Clash of the Titans recently and either version of that movie is always good fodder for discussion. Whether it be the old classic:

"Plan A better work because I don't know what I'm doing with this sword right now."

Or the modern version from last year:

Feh, screw that movie. Here's the Tron chick instead.

Start typing, people! Maybe they'll be singing what you write around a fire someday! (Okay, probably not, unless it's in some post-apocalyptic wasteland, but that can be cool too!)