'but what good does it do me to think of the universe as an unthinking mechanism vast beyond comprehension? it gives me the consolation of believing i conceive it as it really is. it makes me thankful that i can conceive it at all. i could have been a pair of ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of silent seas. in this connection i find the theory of evolution a great consolation. it helps me understand how life came about and how i came to be. it reveals a logical principle i believe applies everywhere in the universe and at all levels: of all the things that exist, animate and inanimate, some will be more successful than others at continuing to exist. of those, some will evolve into greater complexity. this isn't "progress," it is simply the way things work. on this dot of space and in this instant of time, the human mind is a great success story, and i am fortunate to possess one. no, even that's not true, because a goldfish isn't unfortunate to lack one. it's just that knowing what i know, i would rather be a human than a goldfish.'
read it -- it's all good.