World's Largest Lego Great Ball Contraption

(DCD) Okay - this video is long - but it's pretty damn unbelievable. At first I was all, "Well, they keep putting the balls in there! Not fair!" But then I realized there are people surrounding this giant thing and they want to see the different parts doing there stuff, so yeah, they keep putting the balls in there. There is also a cool bit at the 11 minute mark where they have to fix something.

From Gizmodo:
Seven LEGO enthusiasts set out to create the world's largest Great Ball Contraption and broke a record while doing so. In all, they used 93 modules to build this impressive gadget. All my boyhood dreams realized in thirteen minutes.

GBC (Great Ball Contraption) layout consisting of a record breaking 93 modules at LEGO World, Copenhagen 2011. The record was set at 15:30, February 17.