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how many pictures can someone take of a pebbly beach? lots, i guess.
mavra volia, close to the town of emporio has three beaches -- the first is populated by families, the second, groups of friends, and the third, people who avoid crowds. we lay on the third.
perhaps mavra volia was formed from a volcanic explosion that formed santorini about 3600 years ago..? the pebbles are very black, the sky is clear and the sea is crystalline. i like the intensity of the combination of blue and black, with the gray cliffs behind me, especially as the sun goes down and the light changes.
btw, tolis has some of the most beautiful images of chios that i've seen -- visit his stream and be amazed.
i've placed these images on the flickr map.
serene twilight
1 2 3
pebble's eye
upside my head
the day prior to this, i visited mesta: