this place is ours
markella is a name that's very common on chios. the beach at aghia markella consists of one church, a tribute to the saint, and a tavern. being tired, we headed straight to the tavern and had a wonderful, wonderful seafood lunch.
the next thing to do, obviously, was have a nice nap on the beach under a shady tree. a bit later we got up for a dip in the water, a look at the sunset and the drive back home.
on the way back, we noticed that the castle at volissos was lit and i stopped by the side of the road to get a shot. this was handheld and focused on the castle, and i was surprised later to see the fairly blurry but still identifiable constellation of cassiopeia in the sky.
the way back was a bit of an adventure as we... ahem... got a bit lost...
i've added these to the flickr map. like'em? click'em!