HHD: What a Concept!

Let's face it, we're all movie & tv junkies. We watch each new season in hopes of a "Lost" among the sea of crappy reality shows and lame sitcoms. We watch reruns of Golden Girls & Seinfeld and wonder where the originality went. We pay far too much money to go to a theater to watch a film that more often then not winds up being a disappointment. Isn't it time we tell them what we want to see? What actors would you pair up? What characters would you like to see collaborate?

Who among you wouldn't like to see the Pope cowering before Dirty Harry's .44 magnum?

Or the comedic possibilities of C3po as a Terminator. Dig deep into your creative minds and get those concepts flowing.

Let your imagination run wild. Throw out your ideas in 17 syllables of poetic genius.