the just-world fallacy

'the misconception: people who are losing at the game of life must have done something to deserve it.

the truth: the beneficiaries of good fortune often do nothing to earn it, and bad people often get away with their actions without consequences.'

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'it is infuriating when lazy cheats and con artists get ahead in the world while firemen and policemen put in long hours for little pay.

deep down, you want to believe hard work and virtue will lead to success, and laziness, evil and manipulation will lead to ruin, so you go ahead and edit the world to match those expectations.

yet, in reality, evil often prospers and never pays the price.'

'to be sure, you would like to live in a world where people in white hats bring people in black hats to justice, but you don’t.'

i've tried talking about this with others, with great frustration.

this perception of the world is expressed in endless forms, from the secret to concepts of heaven and hell, from followers of islam stoning rape victims to the feeling of entitlement that so many people have.

read the entire essay by david mcraney.

©2010 toomanytribbles