New "Showgirls 2" Trailer is Beyond Terrible

From worstpreviews, Today we have a brand new NSFW trailer for "Showgirls 2," a sequel directed by German helmer Marc Vorlander who claims that he raised $20 million for it. I'm not sure where that money went, because the trailer is one of the worst things you will ever see. It makes no sense and looks to have been shot with a cell phone camera.

Vorlander responded to criticism of his movie on TwitchFilm, stating that his film is art. He said: "The difference between controversial art and crap is very easy: controversial art is hated, panned, discussed..., crap simply disappears into nowhere immediately."

He added: "Thanks for passionately hating my work so less objective. I can not take this serious, but I appreciate it since it fits perfectly in the calculated behavior of self-styled movie critics that would not even detect art if you would engrave the word in their glasses to help them with it. It's demonstrative that my work is acclaimed by many professionals from the industry and other artists and hated so much by folks that never made it there."

See trailer here