From moviesonline
1. Cannibal Holocaust: This film has been around long enough to develop a reputation for being quite the grotesque feature. While I have seen the film only once, I deducted that once was easily enough for this one. There are many sequences and images that haunt my mind from time to time; therefore I don't ever feel like I have to relive them on my TV again anytime soon.
The "We're Screwed" moment: As if watching the systematic slaughter of REAL animals isn't enough, the whole film is one big "we're screwed" sequence. If you ever think for a second this trip is going to turn out well and there will be a happy-go-lucky ending, you're beyond delusional. Between seeing someone impaled on a stick and seeing someone raped with a stone on the beach it's pretty hard to imagine what more you would possibly need to see in order to decide that you're screwed.
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