This year I thought it would be fun to grow my own pumpkin. I ordered some random pumpkin seeds off of Amazon and completely ignored the directions. I first planted one of these "full moon" pumpkin seeds in June, assuming that I'd be carving up a jack-o-lantern by time Horrorthon rolled around. Boy was I wrong. The directions indicate that I should allow a lot of space to grow one of these things but I just shoved a seed in a random part of my yard because I was lazy.

To my delight it didn't take long for the seed to germinate and soon it started to sprout a healthy vine replete with flowers. I watered the bastard every day because it always seemed thirsty.

My pumpkin plant seemed to grow an inch daily
Before long the vine, which resembled one of the plants from The Ruins, grew rapidly. It was startling how quickly this thing ran out of space.

"Whirlygirl, stop taking pictures and check out the size of this thing!"
When Whirlygirl recently visited she seemed more interested in taking photographs than checking out the monster I was harboring in my backyard.

No thanks to Whirlygirl I managed to get away. I fear going into my backyard and I have walled up my house...