I'll explain this picture in a moment.
First, the bad news: a commitment has emerged that is going to seriously impact my Horrorthonnery this season. Not that my score has been all that jaw-dropping since I moved to LA, had a kid, got married, etc. etc. This new commitment has also been keeping me away from idle computer time during the day, which is why I haven't commented recently on various worthy things (Cat's latest cemetery adventure come to mind). Also I'd been meaning to conjure a new Horrorthon intro and who knows if that will happen. I'm cramming this post in right now during my Maya Character Setup class, because the prof is helping out the people who are lost and I'm fortunately not one of them (this time).
The good news is that the new time commitment is a really cool job for a really good rate. It's for six weeks, and my temp employers have even said they'd take me back at the end of the gig, so there's no income loss and a satisfying profit for that time. But we're in week two now, and you'll probably notice that means its footprint is smack on top of October. Did I mention we're working six-day weeks because we're terribly crunched for time? We are. On top of that I'm taking two more Maya classes this semester and still have a toddler to chase around, etc. etc.
It's the lost Saturdays and not sitting at a computer sneaking blog time that really hurts my thonning. Ah well. I will do my best.

So why am I making you look at this thing? I made this for a gig I got by answering a Craigslist ad back in March. Since I can't slap pictures of what I'm making right now on the internet (or really even talk about it), I'm posting this other thing I made that I really wanted to tell you guys about at the time, but couldn't for the same reasons.
I'm taking the risk now because I don't think the pilot got picked up and I don't even know what it's called (so I hope this post won't come up on a Google search). It was an interesting gig: I threw this monstrosity together in about a week's time, it was the first time I've done straight up anatomical sculpture, the job kicked my ass and brought me very little money, and the client was very happy with it. Also fun was the part where I transported it fully assembled and both of the dude's ankles snapped a few blocks into the trip.

The other bit of good news is about this place. Eddie Brandt's a video store that was recommended to me three years ago. It's close to my house but I've been deterred by their insane hours: 1 to 6 pm. But since the new gig is also nearby, I can hit it during lunch. They have, wait for it... eighty THOUSAND vhs tapes. I have a list of five flicks that Netflix doesn't have and I found ALL five of them on my first trip to their stacks. Stand by for beautiful obscurity!
I also invited Tami (friend of Trevor's) to get crazy with us this year. I'd say welcome aboard but she's not on the masthead yet. Yo, Tami!
Horrorthon, people!