I was cleaning out some old files, and I found the Star Wars Trivia questions I was putting on our daily call sheets back in 2007 during Pink Panther 2. I remember posting the first math question here, but I looked around, and I didn't think I posted the second one I had come up with.
If anyone else is bored like I am at the moment, this is good for like 10 minutes of head-scratching...
Take the total number of severed limbs in the original trilogy.
Multiply that number by the total number of bodies that fall into the Sarlacc Pit.
Multiply that number by the number of times Ben Kenobi appears as an apparition in Empire and Jedi.
Multiply that number by the number of separate times we only hear Ben’s disembodied voice in A New Hope.
Subtract from that number the number of parsecs in the Kessel Run.
Multiply that number by the last number in the droid’s name that had a “bad motivator.”
Take the number of guns that Rebel pilots estimate are on the “surface and towers” of the Death Star trench, multiply THAT number by 100, and ADD to previous number.
Divide that number by the total number of AT-ST s destroyed using only Ewok technology.
What’s the final number, and what is its significance? (HINT: 2 possible answers, but they’re kind of tied together)