Best Actor 1981: Results

5. Warren Beatty in Reds- Warren Beatty fails ever to do anything with John Reed, and never was believable for me. His performance is always underwhelming and never gets inside of his character.
4. Paul Newman in Absence of Malice- Newman is surprisingly dull in this movie. He just really seems to be going through the motions for the entire film save one scene which he is really good, but that is the only scene where he is not dull.
3. Burt Lancaster in Atlantic City- Lancaster gives a good energetic performance that works fairly well, unfortunately I felt his character a tad simple, and the films simply too poor for him to really excel.
2. Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond- Henry Fonda gives an incredibly memorable, humorous, and poignant performance that is worthy of being his final film performance.
1. Dudley Moore in Arthur-This was really a close one for me between Fonda, and Moore. I thought both excelled equally in their roles. Moore is terrific, he is charming, incredibly funny, and still finds time to bring a certain poignancy to the role. Overall simply a great performance.
Deserving Performances:Ben Cross in Chariots of Fire
Ian Charleson in Chariots of Fire