True Grit @ Arclight Cineramadome review

Today, I caught the 5:45, Sunday screening of The Coen Brothers latest offering, True Grit at the Cineramadome at Arclight, one of the best theatres in Hollywood.

While I am not a fan of Matt Damon and I had just seen Jeff Bridges in the visually stunning yet poorly scripted, Tron Legacy, I was still excited to see this as I enjoy film by the Coens!

I have loved everything of their's from Blood Simple to last year's A Serious Man. I did NOT, however, like Burn After Reading. It should have been called Bored Simple.

This movie proved to be a fantastic journey. I give no spoilers but the epilogue was superfluous.
The lead girl, played by Hailee Steinfeld, is an amazing girl of character. The actress is actually YOUNGER than the 14 year old whom she portrays! If you want to see a strong western with fun dialogue, True Grit is for you! All six of us who watched it were highly entertained... We also liked hitting FAT FISH for $2 sushi after the film ;)

Btw, this is not a remake of the original film, but a new take on the book.